“When we serve the poor and the sick, we serve Jesus. We must not fail to help our neighbors, because in them we serve Jesus.” – St. Rose of Lima
Our Back to School Distribution was a great success! We helped 39 families and 177 people (77 adults and 100 children) with breakfast items, school snacks, and other miscellaneous items. We want to thank Fr. Ron and the parish staff for supporting our work. We could not help as many people as we do without you!
We want to thank our faithful contributors to the pantry week after week. We also want to thank the Altar Society for their donation of gift cards that the children can use for school supplies. Our SVdP Conference is so grateful to the St. Isidore community; your generosity helps us help others. Thank you! Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores or on-line this week.
- Club Crackers
- Boxed or Pouch Mashed Potatoes
- Boxed Potatoes – Scalloped, Au Gratin
- Helpers – Tuna, Chicken
- Canned Chicken
- Chili
- Canned Fruit –Pineapple, Peaches, Fruit Cocktail
- Canned Pasta, Spaghetti O’s
- Boxed Jell-O
- Cereal
- Laundry Soap
- Deodorant – Unscented
- Cookies
- Candy
Meijer has selected us for another “season” (three months) for the Simply Give Program at the new Meijer Grocery Store on 24 Mile and Hayes. You can purchase items from our list or buy $10 Simply Give donation cards that will transfer into a gift card at the end of September that we can use to fill the holes in our pantry. Cards are located on tables in the gathering space or at the manned and self-serve registers.
God Bless,
St. Vincent de Paul Society