“He who gives to the poor will lack nothing.” – Proverbs 28:27
Mark Your Calendars! Meijer has a Double Match Day on Saturday August 12th. For every $10 Card you purchase the SVdP Pantry will receive $30. Cards are located at each manned and self-serve register or in the gathering space on the tables by the entrance. Thank You! We are 1 1/2 weeks away from our Back To School Distribution. Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores or on-line this week.
- Jelly
- Peanut Butter
- Snack Cups – Fruit, Pudding, Jello
- Juice Boxes
- Oatmeal Packets
- Crackers
- Brownie Mix
- Chicken Noodle Soup
- Paper Towel
- Potato’s – Scalloped, Au Gratin
- Helpers – Tuna, Chicken
- Canned Fruit –Pineapple, Peaches, Fruit Cocktail
- Boxed Jello & Pudding
- Cereal
- Laundry Soap
- Deodorant – Unscented
- Boxed Pasta – Spaghetti, Elbow
- Tuna
- Dish Soap
- Candy
- Shampoo
- Mac & Cheese
Meijer has selected us for another “season” (three months) for the Simply Give Program at the new Meijer Grocery Store on 24 Mile and Hayes. You can purchase items from our list or buy $10 Simply Give donation cards that will transfer into a gift card at the end of September that we can use to fill the holes in our pantry.
God Bless,
St. Vincent de Paul Society