“We recognize no sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!” – John Adams and John Hancock (April 18, 1775)
Independence Day Prayer: “Loving God, we greet this Fourth of July with grateful hearts as we call to mind the vision of freedom and justice for all upon which our country was built. We give thanks to those who imagined this vision. We are grateful to those who continue advocating for and pursuing a land of peace, liberty and equity for all.” Amen.
Please consider helping our pantry during this week of Independence celebrations. Thank you!
Our Pantry needs are:
- Cash Donations – Blue Envelopes at Church entrances
- $10 Simply Give Cards – located at Church entrances, take to 24-Mile Road Meijer store
- $25 Gift Cards – Walmart, Meijer, Kroger
- Toilet Paper
- Kleenex
- Laundry Soap
- Deodorant
- Shampoo
- Dish Soap
- Pump Hand Soap
- Cereal
- Pancake Mix
- Pancake Syrup
- Canned Peaches
- Fruit Cups
- Cookies
- Candy
A big thank you to everyone who donated to Meijer Simply Give Double-Day. All monies contributed really help increase the inventory in the food pantry.
We wish everyone an enjoyable and safe July 4th celebration!
St. Vincent De Paul Society