“We should strive to keep our hearts open to the sufferings and wretchedness of other people.” – St. Vincent De Paul
Your generous dollars and food donations are hard at work. But our mission is ongoing, continuing to be generous with charitable hearts. If you can afford to, please help with cash or food pantry donations. We are collecting for Thanksgiving Distribution.
Food pantry items we are in need of:
- Mac & Cheese
- Jelly
- Peanut Butter
- Oatmeal
- Stuffing
- Boxed Mashed Potatoes
- Gravy
- Chicken Broth
- Canned – Carrots, Corn & Green Beans
- Canned – Fruit Cocktail & Pears
- Corn Muffin Mix
- Pumpkin Spice Bread Mix
- Cake Mix
- Frosting
- Cookies
- Dish Soap
- Kleenex
- Laundry Soap
- Toothpaste
- $25 Gift Cards from Walmart, Meijer, Kroger – for Thanksgiving Meat & Produce
Just a reminder, please take clothing donations to St. Vincent De Paul store and pet food to the Humane Society. Thank you for your understanding.
Jesus, come to help your people,
St. Vincent de Paul Society