St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660) Vincent realized that God wanted him to work with those living in poverty. He embodied energetic, humble service to those in need; but, also recognized that charitable works musts be well-organized in order to be effective. Vincent founded the Congregation of the Missions, the Ladies of Charity, and the Daughters of Charity to respond to the needs. Canonized in 1737, he is a patron of charitable societies.
Please keep the food pantry in mind as you shop in stores or on-line this week.
Here is a list of items the food panty is in need of:
- Toilet Paper
- Canned Tuna and Chicken
- Spaghetti Noodles
- Penne Pasta
- Elbow Macaroni
- Helpers – Tuna and Chicken
- Canned Tomato Soup
- Brownies
- Canned Fruit – Peaches, Pears
- Canned Corn
- Jarred Spaghetti Sauce
- Canned Chili
- Cereal
- Cookies
- Candy
- $25 Gift Cards – Walmart, Meijer, Kroger
Meijer continues their Simply Give Partnership with our SVdP. $10 Simply Give gift cards must be purchased at the new Meijer grocery store on 24 Mile and Hayes.
Simply Give cards are located on tables in the gathering space, or at the manned and self-serve registers at the 24 Mile Road Meijer store.
As we celebrate St. Vincent de Paul on his feast day, we thank you for advocating for the poor, the way he did, with your very generous donations to our pantry. You simply amaze us! Thank you so much.
Jesus, come to help your people,
St. Vincent de Paul Society