ATTENTION AMAZON SHOPPERS! The Strawberry Festival committee is already hard at work planning this year’s festival. We are currently working on gathering items for our basket raffle, a highlight of the festival each year! Anyone who has attended the festival in the past knows that these beautiful baskets are always on display in the gathering space and tickets are sold throughout the month of June and during the festival. Winners are always announced at the end of the festival, and it something we all look forward to!
We are currently seeking items to include in those baskets. Listed below is a link where Amazon shoppers can help. Click on the link and you will be taken straight to the wish list. You can purchase any item(s) you see on the list, and have your purchase(s) shipped directly to the church! No carrying items to church (or forgetting to bring them). Easy as pie just got easier!
The St. Isidore Strawberry Festival Committee thanks you “berry” much for your generous support of the festival.