On October 3, 2020, it was a beautiful crisp autumn morning, and time to do the Autumn Clinton River Adopt-A-Stream health check. Adopt-A-Stream checks a portion of the river in the early spring and early fall. St. Isidore is assigned a portion of the Clinton River in Wolcott Metropark at the Rotary Park entrance. This year the volunteers among others, were Boy Scout Troop 149, and myself representing St. Isidore’s Christian Services.
The Clinton River Watershed Council started a new test this year, along with all of the current testing. The current testing is to get in to the river and take samples of the water and then separate and count the different types of bugs in the river. The types and the amount of bugs that are found determine the health of the river. Our portion of the river tested at 34.7 which is a ‘good’ reading. The new test is called SaltWatch which monitors the chloride in the river. Chloride is important to the health of the river, but it does need to be balanced. As of this writing the results of the SaltWatch are not in yet.

The Clinton River looked beautiful on that morning and very soothing. Please enjoy our beautiful God given natural resources.
God Bless,
Jenny L. Racette