How we move past the division that exists in our community

Friday of the 2nd Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s homily, Fr. Ron reminds us that the racial and political division that exists in our country also exists right here in our own community of St. Isidore. Yet, despite that, we are called to come together to continue Christ’s mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

Today’s gospel is Mark’s account of the calling of the 12 apostles by name. They all come from different backgrounds and affiliations. They are all different but he calls them all together to continue his mission.

Fr. Ron encourages us to spend more time with Jesus so that we can be transformed by Jesus so we can go forth to continue His mission.

Heb 8:6-13;
Ps 85:8 and 10, 11-12, 13-14;
Mk 3:13-19

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