
What Is Climate Change and What Can We Do to Help

The primary cause of climate change is human activities such as driving gas cars, using electricity, and cutting down forests. These are not natural changes in the climate. These activities release gases into the atmosphere called greenhouse gases, which slowly warm the planet, creating climate change.

More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people’s livelihoods and communities. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.

Air temperatures on Earth have been rising since the Industrial Revolution.

Ideas we can all do to help the earth:
• Cutting down forests and replanting the trees.
• Save energy (and money) at home. Turn off lights, lower the temperature, do not leave water running (like brushing your teeth), only turn on the water when needed. Wash large loads of clothes instead of just a few items at a time.
• Reduce, reuse, repair and recycle. We need to stop being a “throw away” society.
• Invest in renewable energy, install solar panels (also saves you money)
• Unplug items that are only used once a week, like washers/dryers, also unplug your charger when your phone is charged.

Please pass this on to friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who runs a business.

The earth is God’s creation. We need to take care of it. Every little bit helps, and God will be pleased. Do not forget to put your stickers on the board in the church.