Silence allows us to reflect and open ourselves to God.
For the last several years here at St. Isidore during Lent, we respond to each of our Universal Prayers (a.k.a. Prayers of the Faithful) at Mass in silence. Silence here (instead of quickly responding “Lord, hear our prayer.”) allows us a moment to think about our intention and the focus of each prayer.
New for this year, our worship commission asked that we add a “fast from music” at an appropriate time during Lent Masses. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (the book with all the rules to follow for Mass) suggests that “during the Offertory, there should be a period of silence to allow us to reflect on the offerings being made;” the preparation of the gifts and table and mystery being celebrated which is the Life, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. (GIRM 74 #1.)
Although we may be a bit uncomfortable not singing a song at Offertory like we usually do, we can only imagine how uncomfortable Christ was when he fasted in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights.
Silence at Offertory enables us to hear the prayers the priest prays over the offerings: “Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread we offer you…” and we respond “Blessed be God forever.”
Because we have had some questions about this added silence, in hindsight, we are very sorry that an explanation was not shared in advance of this change. Moving forward through the second half of our Lenten journey, we will be quietly accompanying the Offertory time with instrumental piano music which is also an approved option. (GIRM 74 #2.)