World Mission Sunday: October 22, 2023
The Body of Christ
The Catholic Church is made up of people all over the world. Every Sunday, we may be celebrating Eucharist at different times and in different languages, yet we hear the same scripture readings prescribed for that particular day and we give thanks together as we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Although we may be oceans and continents apart, the love of Christ joins us together. We experience this sacred unity most fully in our celebration of Mass. At the time of our Communion, the angels and saints in heaven are also rejoicing with us in Christ’s gift of himself to us in Holy Eucharist!
As a means of honoring and recognizing our unity in Christ on World Mission Sunday, we will have special Lectors to proclaim the Holy Scriptures in various different languages at each Mass that weekend. (The English words will be projected on the screen simultaneously.)
Let our prayer together be that the Holy Eucharist we share will strengthen God’s church in all corners of the world.