Children’s Liturgy of Word (CLW) is held during the school year at the 9:30a and 11:30a Sunday Masses for 20 minutes during Gospel time. The program is for potty-trained children age 4 to the 4th grade.
Children arrive with their parents to Mass and after opening prayer they are called up to the altar. The priest dismisses them to another room, with two adult Catechists, to learn about the Gospel in a way that is suited for children. After Gospel time, the children return to finish Mass with their parents.
CLW begins in late August and goes until the Easter Holiday. There is no CLW on weekends of National Holidays – Christmas, Easter Sunday, etc.
St. Isidore invites confirmed individuals, ages 16-100, to consider helping the parish as a Children’s Liturgy of the Word Catechist. This ministry involves leading children in worship using the readings of the day (approx. 20 mins) at the weekly 9:30 am or 11:30 am Sunday Masses. Catechist volunteers are allowed to choose the Sunday that best fits their schedule using a special scheduling program. Catechists are expected to devote some preparation time prior to their scheduled Sunday assignment.