Keep your eyes open to see Christ Today!
In John’s account of the Resurrection, we are told that as the Beloved Disciple entered the empty tomb he “saw and believed.” His eyes were open to see the evidence that the Son of God, whom people had seen killed, now lives! This is our Easter joy!
I have to admit that there are times in my life when Christ seems to me as though he is dead. He seems nowhere to be found! I believe that at times like this, through lack of prayer, my spiritual eyes are closed to the many ways Christ lives.
When I open the eyes of my heart I can see Christ present in many ways: in the Holy Eucharist as I share his Body and Blood with fellow believers, acknowledging our oneness in Christ; in the many sacrifices I see Christ’s disciples make every day to reach out to those in need; in the faces of the poor; in the selfless love of family and friends; in the kindness of strangers; in the generous spirit of my fellow parishioners; in the beauties of nature. At times like these, I celebrate that Christ is not dead in a tomb someplace. Rather, Christ approaches and accompanies me every day of my life.
Please be sure to take a few of our limited edition Easter Connecting Point cards with you to help remind yourself of this message every day. These premium cards are durable and meant to be a daily reminder throughout the year. You could carry it in your wallet or purse, display it on your bathroom mirror or refrigerator, or in your car. Wherever you decide to keep it, let it be a reminder that encounters with Christ happen every day! Keep one for yourself and hand the others out to share the message!
– Fr. Ron