This summer I have been blessed with the opportunity to volunteer at the Capuchin Soup kitchen. On Saturdays, I lead prayer before breakfast and lunch. I’ll be candid – that first Saturday I was a bit nervous. What would I say? How would it be received? Usually when I pray it is with my wife, or it’s the Liturgy of the Hours or it is with my brothers at seminary. So before I prayed with the guests, I sat down, prayed the Our Father to myself and asked the Holy Spirit for guidance.
“And he said to them, when you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone who is indebted to us; and lead us not into temptation.” Luke 11:2-4
Courage – that’s the word that echoed in my mind. That word comes through loud and clear in our readings this week. Courage is one of the ways to help others believe in prayer. Every saint was courageous and helped others to believe. What are some ways we can be courageous? First, turn to the Lord for strength and guidance. Two, be a witness to the goodness of Christ by living as he taught us every day. Three, encourage parish activities and offer real-life applications of the Faith. Finally, try to address real life issues with the clarity found in prayer.
“When we pray courageously the Lord not only gives us grace; he gives us his very self in the grace.” Pope Francis. Be courageous in prayer. Pray for one another and be ready to share in the power of prayer as joyful missionary disciples.