Starting with Tuesday, October 8, 2024, St. Isidore’s hours of Eucharistic Adoration will be as follows:
-  Second Tuesday of each month: following 8:00 AM Mass and concluding with Benediction at 7:00 PM.
- All other Tuesdays: following the 8:00 AM Mass and concluding with Benediction at 4:15 PM.
- Friday mornings at 7 AM before the 8 AM Mass.
We hope these extended hours on the second Tuesday of each month will give a chance for Adoration to those who are limited by the earlier closing. Perhaps you can plan to stop by on your way home from work, school, or other activities.
Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Resource Center located at the Rosary Garden entrance.
If you are interested in signing up as a regular Adorer for anytime during these extended hours on the second Tuesday of the month (or for any time on any Tuesday) please contact Dave Bisdorf (586) 202-7000 or the St. Isidore office at (586) 286-1700.
“The Eucharist… is more than just a symbol; it is the real and loving presence of the Lord.” (Pope Francis, June 19, 2023)