One of the significant renewals that resulted from the Second Vatican Council was the reinstitution of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, now named the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Prior to the Council, a person who wanted to become Christian or join the Catholic Church, would meet individually with a priest or another person for “convert classes.” We have now returned to the practice of the Early Church when such a person went through an extended period of formation in the Christian way of life. This involved the entire community, as we are called as a Christian community to give birth to new members. Please refer to the article written by Bill Hicks, our Coordinator of the OCIA, found elsewhere in this issue of Harvest News. Please do what you can to support Bill and his team, and keep those who have entered this process in your prayers.
Today, September 8, nine months after the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, is the feast of Mary’s Birthday. Because it fell on Sunday the feast gave way to the celebration of the Twenty Third Sunday of Ordinary Time. Still it may be an opportunity to celebrate it in some ways in our homes. You may want to pray a Hail Mary at your dinner table, or even pray the Rosary with your family. You may also want to make a contribution to our Baby Pantry in honor of Mary.
I am writing this on August 29, the Feast of the Passion of John the Baptist. Jesus himself called John the Baptist the “greatest man born of a woman.” The Sculpture on our Baptismal Pool includes Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist. John is pointing to Jesus. One of the things that makes John great is that he is the one who pointed out our Savior when he came. This sculpture is a profound way we honor John the Baptist here at St. Isidore. We again thank parishioner and artist Kurt Klein who sculpted the beautiful work of art.