
Font & Altar Updates

Over the next several months we will be undertaking two major projects to enhance our worship space. As both projects are being funded by special benefactors, no funds will be taken from our operating budget. Planning for the projects began before the Covid Pandemic, It is now time to move forward with them.

The first project will improve one of the most sacred areas of our worship space: the Baptismal Pool. Kurt Klein, a longtime St. Isidore parishioner and well-known professional artist of sacred images, has volunteered many hours of his time to sculptor beautiful artwork to enhance this space. Additionally, we are going to retool the drain basin and replace the current mosaic tiles as well as a few other cosmetic upgrades. This project will start at the beginning of Lent, in preparation for Baptisms at our Easter Vigil. It will be necessary to enclose the space around the pool during the construction of the project, which is very extensive. We ask that you honor the space, and not enter or look into it until the construction is completed. Please be patient with the mess. The materials for the project have been generously donated by our St. Isidore Altar Society with money generated from their semi-annual Rummage Sales. We are grateful to them, and to several plumbers, electricians, and tile people whom we have consulted and who have also volunteered their services.

The second project, which will be undertaken later this year, is the updating of the sanctuary. The altar table, ambo, tabernacle stand, presider’s chair, and credence table will be replaced with beautiful matching wooden furnishings. I am told that Msgr. Mike and the Building Committee wanted to provide new furnishings during the renovation of the church in 2004 but postponed it due to the added cost to the already expensive renovations. Miss Nancy Campbell, a long time active parishioner who passed away in July, 2020, bequeathed to the parish a very large sum of money to be used specifically for this project. We are so thankful to Nancy and the Campbell family for their outstanding generosity and love for our St. Isidore community. We keep Nancy in our prayers.

I am confident that these projects will better reflect God’s glory and enhance our worship experience. We are grateful to all who have supported these projects in any way. Please pray that all goes well, especially during the tight Baptismal Pool construction schedule.