We congratulate our second graders who celebrated their First Eucharist with us over the past two weekends, and whose names have appeared on the front page of the Harvest News! It is always a great joy to welcome our children to the Lord’s table for the first time and to share the Body and Blood of Christ with them. They now look forward to their Confirmation, when they will complete their initiation into the Christian Community. We invite our First Communicants to wear their communion clothes to Mass on the remaining Sundays of the Easter Season. Please go out of your way to make a fuss over them. Congratulate and welcome them as they enter more fully into our worshiping community.
This week we welcomed two new members to our parish staff. Fr. Matt Ellis has begun his assignment as our new Parochial Vicar or Associate Pastor, and Mrs. Beth Beebe has begun serving as our new Director of Youth Ministry. They each bring a strong faith and love for God’s people to their ministry. Their pictures and introductory articles appear elsewhere in today’s bulletin.
The 2018-2019 year of Faith Formation has come to an end! We thank the nearly two hundred parishioners who served in various capacities in our Faith Formation Program in such ministries as catechist, catechist aide, monitor, etc. We also acknowledge the dedicated ministries of Director of Faith Formation Mrs. Ann DeRey, Catechist Coordinators Mrs. Dawn Ormsby and Mrs. Margaret Topor, and Faith Formation Administrative Supports Mrs. Dawn Kehoe and Miss Kathy Homrocky. Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a parish to raise a Christian!
Planning is already in full gear for Vacation Bible School in late July, our next major Faith Formation event. Please consult the website or bulletin for information on how to register your children for VBC and/or how to volunteer to help.
Happy Easter!
Fr. Ron