Lent comes to a close this Thursday, Holy Thursday, with the celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at 7:00 PM. This Mass marks the beginning of the Sacred Triduum, the holiest three days of the Church Year. The Triduum will continue with the Good Friday Liturgy, and then come to a close with the Celebration of the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. We celebrate one single liturgy stretched over three days. We begin the Mass of the Lord’s Supper with the sign of the cross. The final blessing does not come until the end of the Easter Vigil. The three days are one great celebration of the Paschal Mystery. Please check the times of services and join us for as many as possible. We especially hope you can join us for the Easter Vigil, where we will be celebrating the Easter Sacraments of Initiation with ten Elect and ten Candidates for Full Communion with the Catholic Church. Please help us welcome them into our community!
Thank you for your support of this year’s Knights of Columbus Fish Fry! The Knights set records for the most meals served. We thank the Knights for the many hours of hard work they dedicate to the Fish Fry and all they do for our parish community.