The peace of Jesus Christ be with all of you.
Your St. Isidore staff and parish community are doing all that we can to serve you during these trying times. We will be maintaining limited office hours to serve your needs, and the church will be open for private prayer. Please check the website as these times will likely be changing as things develop.
We will continue to film Sunday Masses to help keep us all connected to each other as a faith community. You can view the Masses on our website at We also urge you to view our daily reflections by members of our parish staff in our Lenten Video Project.
We are committed to maintaining and even increasing our outreach ministries, especially the work of the Baby Pantry and the St. Vincent DePaul Society, to meet the growing needs of those who are most impacted financially by the pandemic. Please do not hesitate to contact us if your family needs such assistance. Because of your generous support, these ministries are well prepared to meet the growing needs of their clients. In anticipation of increased demands, several parishioners have come forward in recent days to make generous donations to these ministries. We thank them, and encourage anyone who is able to continue to bring food, baby supplies, gift cards, and donations for these ministries to do so. In times like this, more than ever, we must take care of each other.
The absence of our weekly offertory collection has a large impact on our finances. Our loss of income in the first week alone has been over $20,000! While we have put a freeze on all non-essential spending, we must continue to maintain our facility and support our staff. We encourage you to continue your weekly tithe by making electronic donations by signing up with Pushpay, or by mailing or dropping off your envelopes.
We encourage you to heed the measures we have been given to protect ourselves and loved ones, and to decrease the spread of this virus. Keep safe! Let’s continue to pray for each other, and for all those impacted by the virus.
“Be Calm, and Pray!”