When we started our 5:30 PM Sunday Night Mass in May of last year (“A Mass for the Busy Catholic” as we used in our tagline), our plan was to evaluate it after one year to see if it should be continued. If you have ever participated in the Sunday Night Mass, you know that we do things a little differently than at our other Masses. The music is a bit more contemporary, often with Matt on the keyboard and Amy on the guitar. The atmosphere is more “relaxed.” We have an extended opening greeting before Mass which includes all announcements and assists with the flow of the liturgy during the Closing Rite; there is no entrance procession; and the presider sits in the pew during the Liturgy of the Word (I really like this, as I feel more a part of the community and can see the front of the Lector as the Lector proclaims the Word). There seems to be much more energy at this Mass. In fact, very few people leave early, and hardly anyone leaves during Communion. While some parishioners are not comfortable with this “format,” most people who have experienced it have responded favorably. This Mass was seen as an attempt to reach out specifically to our young families who are often busy with sporting and other events on Sunday mornings. We have noticed many young people at this Mass. However, even many of our “older” parishioners seem to prefer this Mass. Last week a couple of elderly ladies told me after the Sunday Mass that it was their first time to St. Isidore. They plan on joining the parish because they were very much inspired by the liturgy, especially the music. The Pastoral Council recently advised keeping the 5:30 Mass on a permanent basis.
Please keep our young ones in your prayers this week during Vacation Bible School. This is one of my favorite weeks of the year as so many young families come through the facility. Our VBS team does a tremendous job in leading a very energetic and fun-filled week which goes a long way in helping our children grow in their faith. We thank everyone who has supported this year’s VBS by your donations and volunteering your time. Let’s “ROAR!”