I am glad to return to writing (mostly) weekly articles. It is an attempt to keep in touch with parishioners.
One of the blessings that came with my accident two years ago was the opportunity for Fr. Joe Dailey to preside at our weekend liturgies. As you have experienced, Fr. Joe is an excellent liturgist and powerful preacher. As a Senior Priest, and former pastor of Christ the Redeemer parish in Lake Orion, Fr. Joe was available to assist us immediately following my accident two years ago. I am very grateful for his ministry here. Because Fr. Joe presides at either the 7:30 and 9:30, or 9:30 and 11:30 liturgies, I very seldom pray with the 9:30 Mass group! (I preside at whatever morning Mass he doesn’t preside at on a Sunday, and the 5:30 evening Mass.).
Also, following Fr. Matt Ellis’ departure from our parish in June, 2022, Msgr. Mike Hrydziuszko, pastor of St. Isidore from 2000 to 2012, and now a Senior Priest, has returned to preside regularly at the 4:30 Saturday evening Mass. Parishioners are very happy to have Msgr. Mike back “home”, and appreciate his presence, liturgies, and preaching. I am grateful to Msgr. Mike for his assistance, and for the way he pastored the parish prior to my arrival.
We continue to move forward in our transition to the Family of Parishes (FOP). We have benefited from sharing ministry with the people of St. Francis/St. Maximillian and St. Therese parishes. I am using the Lenten Prayer Journal the FOP Leadership Team and Pastoral Council have provided us. It is a great way to enter into the Lenten disciplines.
I hope to see you at the Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry’s on Friday evenings. It is an opportunity to connect with the community and support the Knights and their charitable work.
I remind you to keep our Catechumens and Candidates for Full Communion in the Catholic Church in your prayers as they prepare to celebrate the Easter Sacraments at the Easter Vigil.
Blessings, Fr. Ron