Today is the last Sunday on which we are celebrating First Communions at our Sunday liturgies. Please continue to reach out to our First Communicants and welcome them.
An important part of our ministry to grieving families is our Funeral Luncheon Program. We paused the funeral luncheons during the Covid Pandemic, and are just now starting them up again. We are looking for volunteers to either help serve the meals or to donate deserts. Please contact the parish office if you are able to join this ministry.
May is the Month of Mary. May is considered by many to be the most beautiful month of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, as nature comes back to life in all of its wonder. The beauty of May is reflected in the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother also ushered new life by giving birth to Jesus. When I was growing up we used to have a May Altar in our home. Some families have a special “prayer corner” or “prayer room” in their homes. May is a good opportunity to place a statue or image of the Blessed Mother in such a place and gather the family to honor her with flowers and prayers.
May 15 is the Feast of our Patron Saint, St. Isidore the Farmer. We will celebrate with a simple reception following the 8:00 Mass. The Feast of St. Isidore is celebrated in many places by blessing seeds to be planted this year. You are encouraged to bring any seeds you plan on planting in your garden for this blessing at Mass..