
K of C Fish Fry Donation and Thank You

The Knights of Columbus are able to conduct their Lenten Fish Fry due to the generosity of St. Isidore Church. This is not only due to the parishioners who attend, but also to the Church for the use of their kitchen. Without the use of this excellent facility, this Fish Fry would not be held.

The Knights of Columbus donates back to St. Isidore Church, $1.00 for each of the 5,561 meals sold. Shown in this picture are the Grand Knight, Chijioke Oparaji, with Fr. Ron and Dennis Slowke. Grand Knight Chijioke is shown giving a Certificate of Appreciation and a check to Fr. Ron.

The K of C Council 7200 thanks Fr. Ron and the Church for their support during the 2024 Fish Fry and looks forward to next year’s Fish Fry and the fellowship that is shared with all.