He waits for us. No matter how many times we ignore Him or turn away, He waits there humbly in the tabernacle. His greatest desire is for us to know Him, waiting there as long as it takes for us to turn around and realize our God loves us to the point of sharing His Body and Blood to heal our souls.
Growing up as a cradle Catholic, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was by no means unfamiliar territory. We would often spend our Thursday afternoons in front of Jesus. Regretfully, this wasn’t an experience I necessarily enjoyed or embraced. Like many Catholics, I had become so fixated on the rules we believed and the prayers we practiced that I had missed the point of our faith–a deep, personal, living relationship with Our Lord. With that piece lacking, adoration time wasn’t really fruitful. It was something to check off the list. Something to do because I was told, not because I personally desired it myself.
This deeply changed once I started to truly know Jesus. I finally realized that Jesus had been patiently waiting for me to let Him know me. Adoration became transformed. While in college I discovered a little adoration chapel and I’d steal time there. Whether it was 10 minutes before or after classes, or maybe some time in between, walking into that chapel revealed an indescribable peace and calmness, something I’d never found anywhere else. This was not a normal peace or calm, rather it was an unearthly, “God is truly present in this place” calm.
To this day, the wondrous reality of what the Eucharist is blows my mind. It’s God; the King of the Universe; the healer of my heart; existence itself. It’s God’s Body and Blood and He’s waited for all eternity for me and for you to come talk to Him. How can you not let that transform you?
It’s in adoration, at the feet of Jesus, that we let ourselves be transformed. I used to think I needed to be saying or reading so many words to make it meaningful. But no, you just show up. Whatever burdens you carry with you, you walk in and sit at the feet of Jesus and let Him love you. There doesn’t need to be a single word said. His love transcends words. You just look at Him and He looks back at you. And you let yourself be transformed by the most life-giving love.
I AM HERE is a campaign by the Archdiocese of Detroit and Hallow App in support of the National Eucharistic Revival.