It was November 6, 2003; it was my husband’s birthday and we were just starting to take our faith more seriously.
My son was starting at the Catholic school and I was just like, ‘What am I going to do?’ And I just decided to go to Mass. I didn’t realize there was Mass during the week. I really was so ignorant, you know? I sat in the back. I felt like a kindergartner.
Taking my son to Catholic school really started to spark that desire to know more about my faith. My husband was already a practicing Catholic, but we were both kind of just going on Sunday.
His birthday is in November, and we just decided to go outside the box because we were looking for something to do outside of the ordinary. We decided to go and have dinner and then go to Mass and adoration.
It was at St. Edward on the Lake in Lakeport and it was just a regular Thursday night Mass. They always had Mass on Thursday night and adoration that followed.
While in adoration, totally unbeknownst to me, my husband was praying that for his birthday he would really like to see Jesus. And then all of a sudden, I see this white, glowing, beautiful, magnificent light. It was pure white; it wasn’t like any white I’ve seen before. We can’t even imagine it.
In the monstrance I saw this white glowing human heart, where the Eucharist was, and the feeling that accompanied what I was seeing was that of Jesus’ presence. The feeling was divine and awe inspiring.
I wanted to fall face to the floor and worship. I just started praying, ‘I love you Jesus, I love you Jesus…’ over and over again. I was speechless. I had nothing else to say. It was like a void of any other thought.
But then later on, I looked over at my husband and there were tears on his face, and I thought, ‘He’s got to be seeing something.’
After adoration was over, we got in the car and I asked, ‘Did you see anything at adoration?’ He said ‘I did. I kept praying that I would be able to see Jesus and that he would show you too.’ We both explained and made a drawing of what we had seen, and it was the exact same thing!
My husband said, ‘I just wanted to ask him to show me because it was my birthday and we had, you know, come to be with him. I just kept praying that I would see him, and that you would see him, too, that he would show you.’
After that, there was transformation.
Now I try to live looking through the eyes of Jesus. His life is just better. He brings light to every dark spot. I think there were a lot of dark spots that were in my life, some of which I maybe didn’t even truly, fully realize. I find that moving away from more of a me-centered life to a life of, ‘How am I able to serve my family, parish, and community with the love of Jesus in the Eucharist working through me?’ changes everything.
I continue to be a daily communicant and attend Eucharistic adoration as much as possible. My husband goes as often as he is able. Inspired by Unleash the Gospel Guidepost 2: “With Eyes Fixed on Jesus,” ‘It is a love affair. All are invited to encounter Jesus and let their hearts be captured by him.’
Reading Unleash the Gospel drew us into praying for more encounters. At our parish, Immaculate Conception, we pray a Rosary each Tuesday for more personal encounters with Christ for people in our parish and our community and for a deeper spiritual relationship with our Lord. We need more encounters with Christ. A life with Christ changes everything!
I AM HERE is a campaign by the Archdiocese of Detroit and Hallow App in support of the National Eucharistic Revival.