The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of service is peace.
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
We are less than 3 weeks away from our Christmas Distribution on December 17th, so as you shop in stores or on-line this week please keep our pantry list in mind. We will again be providing $25 gift cards for poultry/meat for Christmas. Our Pantry needs are:
- Baked Beans
- Cookie Mix – “For Santa’s Cookies”
- Hot Cocoa
- Jelly
- Pancake Syrup
- Pineapple
- Fruit Cocktail
- Jello & Pudding Mix
- Canned Ravioli & Spaghetti O’s
- Chicken Noodle &Tomato Soup
- Progresso & Chunky Soup
- Boxed Pasta – Spaghetti, Elbow, Penne
- Chili
- Crackers – Club & Saltine
- Tuna
- Canned Chicken
- Rice & Pasta Sides
- Boxed Potatoes – Scallop, Au Gratin
- Deodorant -Men’s & Women’s
- Shampoo
- Body Wash
- Mashed Potatoes
- Stuffing
- $25 Meijer, Kroger or Walmart Gift Cards (for Christmas dinner meat)