“Walking by faith, let us do good works. In these let there be a free love of God for His own sake and an active love for our neighbor. Let us then do what we can for others; let us freely bestow upon the needy out of our abundance.” – St. Augustine
Thank you to all those who contributed to the Meijer “Spring Season” Simply Give Campaign by purchasing the $10 donation cards. We have received our food only gift cards from Meijer that we will use to supplement your generous donations to our Pantry! Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores or on-line this week.
- Club Crackers
- Boxed Potatoes – Scalloped, Au Gratin
- Mashed Potatoes – Boxed or Pouch
- Helpers – Tuna, Chicken
- Canned Chicken
- Chili
- Laundry Soap
- Toilet Paper
- Canned Fruit –Pineapple, Peaches, Fruit Cocktail
- Canned Pasta, Spaghetti O’s
- Cookies
- Boxed Jell-O
- Cereal
- Deodorant – Unscented
- Candy
- $25 Gift Cards – Meijer, Kroger, Walmart
Meijer has selected us for another “season” (three months) for the Simply Give Program at the new Meijer Grocery Store on 24 Mile and Hayes. You can purchase items from our list or buy $10 Simply Give donation cards that will transfer into a gift card at the end of September that we can use to fill in the holes in our pantry. Cards are located on tables in the gathering space or at the manned and self-serve registers at the store.
God Bless,
St. Vincent de Paul Society