
The Presentation of the Lord and Candlemas

Candlemas, celebrated on February 2nd, marks the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple, a significant event in the liturgical calendar. In the Gospel of Luke marking this Feast, Mary and Joseph presented the infant Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem to consecrate him to the Lord God. Witnessing there, the elderly Simeon recognized Jesus as the Messiah and filled with the Holy Spirit, prophesied His impact on the world.

Candlemas, traditionally observed by many Christian denominations, is not only a celebration of this momentous occasion but also an acknowledgment of Christ as the Light of the World. The ritual of Blessing the Candles symbolizes the spiritual light that Jesus brings into the world. Candles for use in the church and at home are blessed for use throughout the year, reflecting the faith that Jesus is the guiding light for humanity.

Candlemas serves as a reminder of Christ’s presence in the world and calls the faithful to reflect on His light in their own lives. Jesus is the light of the world!

Bring your candles to Mass on the weekend of February 2nd. The Priests will be blessing church candles and candles from home before each Mass in the gathering space. We will then process into the church during the gathering song to begin our celebration of the Presentation of Our Lord. May we be the light of Christ to all those we meet!