Connecting Point: April 21, 2019 Published on April 20, 2019 Keep your eyes open to see Christ Today! In John’s account of the Resurrection, we are told that as the Beloved Disciple entered the empty tomb he
Connecting Point: April 14, 2019 Published on April 10, 2019 How can I commit myself to Jesus to honor his sacrifice this week? There are several opportunities for you to honor all Christ has done for us this
Connecting Point: April 7, 2019 Published on April 4, 2019 “How can I show compassion for those I am tempted to condemn?” In today’s society we see people placing judgment and giving condemnation in the
Connecting Point: March 31, 2019 Published on March 28, 2019 What relationship in my life do I need to unconditionally reconcile? This weekend we find ourselves halfway through the Season of Lent. We began
Connecting Point: March 24, 2019 March 21, 2019 What can I do to adjust my attitude and be a more positive influence on others? Be Positive! I remember one of the first cell phones that I ever
Connecting Point: March 24, 2019 Published on March 21, 2019 How can I adjust my attitude to be a more positive influence on others? Be Positive! I remember one of the first cell phones that I ever purchased
Connecting Point: March 17, 2019 Published on March 14, 2019 Where are the dark places in my life that need light? This week’s Gospel reading discusses the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Connecting Point: March 10, 2019 Published on March 7, 2019 How can I block temptations and focus on deeper desires? Where do we look for help to deal with temptations? How do we block out the daily
Connecting Point: March 3, 2019 February 28, 2019 When has my focus on the shortcomings of others blinded me to my own? This is a difficult question to answer. If we are truly blind to our own
Connecting Point: February 24, 2019 Published on February 21, 2019 How can I show love for those that bother me? Today’s Gospel is another well-known passage that contains a motto by which we should live as
Connecting Point: February 17, 2019 Published on February 14, 2019 How do I recognize God’s blessings in times of need? This week’s readings are full of Jesus’ teachings about the many gifts and blessings He
Connecting Point: February 10, 2018 Published on February 7, 2019 One of my favorite sayings is “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” If you are like me, you have at times felt insecure
Connecting Point: February 3, 2019 Published on January 31, 2019 I often take time to thank God for the gifts God has given me, and try to find ways to share those gifts with others. I thank God for the gifts of
Connecting Point: January 27, 2019 Published on January 24, 2019 Rejoice!! This Sunday’s readings bring us a message of rejoicing for we learn that the Spirit is upon Jesus AND upon us. Jesus shows us clearly
Connecting Point: January 20, 2019 Published on January 17, 2019 How can I trust that God’s got my back? This is for everyone – yes that means you, too – the overworked, high-stressed, short on time –
Connecting Point: January 13, 2019 Published on January 10, 2019 You are a beloved child of God…. And we are, “not because of any righteous deeds we have done but because of his mercy” (Titus 3:5) As this
Connecting Point: January 6, 2018 Published on January 4, 2019 Epiphany a good chance to reflect on the the story of the wisemen, three wealthy foreign “kings” who traveled a long way to seek Christ and offer
Connecting Point: December 25, 2018 Published on December 20, 2018 “How do I receive Jesus as the most important gift of Christmas?” Giving and receiving gifts at Christmas is a spiritual activity of the
Connecting Point: December 23, 2018 Published on December 20, 2018 How can I make room for unexpected God moments? The Scripture from Luke this week tells of the moment when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth to let
Connecting Point: December 16, 2018 Published on December 13, 2018 I love the celebration of Christmas. It is an opportunity for the Church to look like it could and should look like every weekend of the year: the