Connecting Point: April 12, 2020 Published on April 11, 2020 In the Opening Prayer at Mass on Easter Sunday we pray: “Bestow upon those baptized in (Jesus’) death the power flowing from his
Connecting Point: April 5, 2020 Published on March 30, 2020 How can I create a path for Christ? This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday. The passion narrative is proclaimed, but first we hear a Gospel
Connecting Point: March 29, 2020 Published on March 23, 2020 This week’s readings (and Connecting Point) continue the theme of transformation. Last week in the gospel, Jesus healed the blind man and
Connecting Point: March 15, 2020 Published on March 9, 2020 How is the living water of my baptism transforming me today? Water is necessary for life. It is so essential that scientists search for its presence
Connecting Point: March 8, 2020 Published on March 2, 2020 How do I live out the holy life to which God is calling me? “He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works, but according to
Connecting Point: March 1, 2020 Published on February 24, 2020 How will I resist even the smallest temptations this Lent? In the Gospel today, Jesus is alone in the desert and shows complete obedience to
Connecting Point: February 23, 2020 Published on February 17, 2020 Who do I need to pray for and love? In the Gospel, from Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches us how we are to respond when people are
Connecting Point: February 16, 2020 Published on February 10, 2020 How can I seek God’s wisdom in daily challenges? We make many decisions throughout the course of our day. Some decisions require more wisdom
Connecting Point: February 9, 2020 Published on February 3, 2020 When have I witnessed Christ’s light shining through someone? “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.”
Connecting Point: February 2, 2020 Published on January 27, 2020 How can my light guide others toward Christ? In today’s first reading the Prophet Malachi tells us that God says, “I am sending my messenger to
Connecting Point: January 26, 2020 Published on January 20, 2020 How can I be a light to foster unity in a divided world? In the first and second readings this weekend there are two themes that jump out to me. In
Connecting Point: January 19, 2020 Published on January 13, 2020 How can I make the Lord known to others? Last week we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord. It is an important time when Jesus begins his
Connecting Point: January 12, 2020 Published on January 6, 2020 What parts of my life are pleasing to God? “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” Matthew 3:17 In Jesus, the Son of God, we
Connecting Point: January 5, 2020 Published on December 30, 2019 How can I welcome neighbors and friends who do not share our faith? “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul,
Connecting Point: December 25, 2019 Published on December 23, 2019 Having heard the angels sing, having followed the shepherds to the manger; having gathered with our faith community to celebrate that most
Connecting Point: December 1, 2019 Published on November 25, 2019 What am I hiding that I don’t want others to see? This week’s connecting point is for the first Sunday in Advent. It is a time of reminding
Connecting Point: November 24, 2019 Published on November 18, 2019 How can I recognize God’s love and give thanks? One of my favorite stories about recognizing Jesus is the “road to Emmaus.” Jesus opens the
Connecting Point: November 17, 2019 Published on November 11, 2019 How can my life be a testimony of God’s goodness? You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed.
Connecting Point: November 10, 2019 Published on November 4, 2019 How do I remain faithful through the trials I believe that it is our dreams which give meaning to our lives. Our dreams move us and sustain us
Connecting Point: October 27, 2019 Published on October 21, 2019 We can all be arrogant, so how can I cast mine off? Arrogance can be defined as “unpleasantly behaving as if you are more important than, or know