Lenten Stations of the Cross Published on February 23, 2022 Join fellow parishioners as we walk the path of suffering with our Lord through the Stations of the Cross. 2022 schedule: March 4 at 7:00 PM
Connecting Point: February 28, 2021 Published on February 22, 2021 As followers of Christ, tests of our faith come to challenge us from all around. They come from family members, friends, politicians, community
Connecting Point: February 21, 2021 Published on February 15, 2021 Besides God and humans, wood and water are big players in our Biblical salvation narratives. Water and trees are most usually our friends.
Our Lenten Journey and the RCIA Published on January 30, 2021 Lent and its’ accompanying journey are rapidly approaching for the Catholic community. The community as a whole is renewed as we take time to focus
Connecting Point: March 29, 2020 Published on March 23, 2020 This week’s readings (and Connecting Point) continue the theme of transformation. Last week in the gospel, Jesus healed the blind man and
Connecting Point: March 22, 2020 Published on March 16, 2020 How can seeing the world as Jesus does allow me to be transformed? This weekend, we hear the story of the man born blind. Back then, the popular
Connecting Point: March 15, 2020 Published on March 9, 2020 How is the living water of my baptism transforming me today? Water is necessary for life. It is so essential that scientists search for its presence
Fr. Ron’s Reflections 3/8/20 Published on March 3, 2020 The Season of Lent began in the Church as the time of proximate preparation of those who were to be baptized at the Easter Vigil. Adult Baptisms take
Connecting Point: March 1, 2020 Published on February 24, 2020 How will I resist even the smallest temptations this Lent? In the Gospel today, Jesus is alone in the desert and shows complete obedience to
Fr. Ron’s Reflection 2/23/20 Published on February 18, 2020 At the 9:30 Mass this Sunday we celebrate the”Rite of Sending” with our catechumens and candidates for Full Communion with the Catholic
Fr. Ron’s Reflections 2/16/20 Published on February 10, 2020 We are now less than two weeks away from Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Lent is in many ways a forty-day long parish-wide retreat during
Connecting Point: April 14, 2019 Published on April 10, 2019 How can I commit myself to Jesus to honor his sacrifice this week? There are several opportunities for you to honor all Christ has done for us this
Fr. Ron’s Reflections 3/17/19 March 12, 2019 As we continue on our Lenten journey, we are reminded that our focus as a parish community during Lent is on our Elect and Candidates for Full
Fr. Ron’s Ramblings 3-3-2019 February 28, 2019 Lent begins this Wednesday! It is a time for us to go ever deeper into our spiritual life and experience spiritual renewal as we prepare to renew our
Mardi Gras 2020 Published on February 5, 2019 Tuesday, February 25, 2020, we will be hosting an annual Mardi Gras party. Join us to celebrate this annual celebration of fun, food,
Mission of DB Peru Thanks St. Isidore January 18, 2019 St. Isidore does a lot to reach out to those in need both locally and beyond. The following is a letter of gratitude from The Mission of DB Peru, a
Connecting Point: March 18, 2018 March 15, 2018 “How do I let go of self-center ways to become the best version of myself?” Feelings come and go. Human emotions can sometime control you;