Offertory for 4/12/20 Published on April 13, 2020 Budgeted offertory $24,519 Actual offertory collected $24,148 Comparison to budget ($371) Offertory since the suspension of Mass ($50,542) Please
Offertory for 4/5/20 Published on April 6, 2020 Budgeted offertory $24,519 Actual offertory collected $22,144 Comparison to budget ($2,375) Offertory since the suspension of Mass ($50,171) Please
“Look for the Helpers” Published on April 4, 2020 I am constantly amazed at the goodness of people. In the midst of all of the chaos that currently surrounds the world, there are people who can’t
Offertory for 3/29/20 Published on March 30, 2020 Budgeted offertory $24,519 Actual offertory collected $13,403 Comparison to budget ($11,116) Offertory since the suspension of Mass ($47,797) Please
Offertory for 3/22/20 Published on March 23, 2020 Budgeted offertory $24,519 Actual offertory collected $8,772 Comparison to budget ($15,747) Offertory since the suspension of Mass ($36,680) Please
Offertory for 3/15/20 Published on March 16, 2020 Budgeted offertory $24,519 Actual offertory collected $3,585 Comparison to budget ($20,934) Offertory since the suspension of Mass ($20,934) Please
Connecting Point: March 8, 2020 Published on March 2, 2020 How do I live out the holy life to which God is calling me? “He saved us and called us to a holy life, not according to our works, but according to
Connecting Point: February 9, 2020 Published on February 3, 2020 When have I witnessed Christ’s light shining through someone? “You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.”
Connecting Point: January 5, 2020 Published on December 30, 2019 How can I welcome neighbors and friends who do not share our faith? “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul,
Giving Tuesday Published on November 25, 2019 For the past seven years there has been a Tuesday in late fall dedicated to raising funds for charities. It’s called Giving Tuesday, and this year
Connecting Point: November 17, 2019 Published on November 11, 2019 How can my life be a testimony of God’s goodness? You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed.
Connecting Point: September 15, 2019 Published on September 9, 2019 How can my living attract someone who is lost? I remember when I was in my twenties someone asked me what I thought was the most attractive feature
E-Waste Disposal Event Published on August 8, 2019 In honor of National Cleanup Day, St. Isidore’s Green Team along with our high school SITE group is sponsoring an Electronic Waste event in union
Connecting Point: August 4, 2019 Published on July 31, 2019 How can I use my hard work to glorify God? ‘You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you;and the things you have prepared, to whom will
Connecting Point: June 16, 2019 Published on June 12, 2019 How does the Trinity shape wisdom, faith and truth in my life? As a lifelong Catholic and a long time employee of the Church, I feel that I should
Green Team Published on June 4, 2019 What is the Green Team? In the Fall of 2018, the idea of a Green Team surfaced in a Leadership Team discussion. Shortly after the discussion
Connecting Point: March 24, 2019 March 21, 2019 What can I do to adjust my attitude and be a more positive influence on others? Be Positive! I remember one of the first cell phones that I ever
Connecting Point: March 24, 2019 Published on March 21, 2019 How can I adjust my attitude to be a more positive influence on others? Be Positive! I remember one of the first cell phones that I ever purchased
Connecting Point: February 10, 2018 Published on February 7, 2019 One of my favorite sayings is “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.” If you are like me, you have at times felt insecure
IRA Rollover January 15, 2019 Per the Archdiocese of Detroit: IRA Rollover Over 70-and-a half? What you need to know about the IRA charitable gift rollover. Congress has